Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nothing beats an entertaining lunatic

99.99 % of the time, pop up advertisements are a waist of my time and anything but entertaining.  But sometimes, advertising agencies with deep pockets convince lunatics with histories of brain damage and drug use to do a commercial for an online marketing blitz.  The result is a masterpiece by Vitamin Water starring Gary Busey.  The easiest way for someone to act convincingly like a wild psycho is to actually be one.  Bravo, Gary Busey.  This is Oscar-worthy stuff:

This is quickly becoming my favorite commercial of all time.  Homeboy makes a donkey noise at the :58 second mark.  Gary Busey reminds us all to never ride motorcycles too fast or without helmets, and to never try crack.  Thank you, Gary Busey.  And thank you Vitamin Water.

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