Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Best Words in the English Language

All words are not created equally. In fact, it's not even close. Some words are far superior to others. To be clear, I appreciate all words...they're all necessary at some point. Take for example the word "it." It's not exciting. would not be easy to communicate without it, now would it?  I submit not.  That being said, some words stand alone atop the literary world.  The following is my Top-5 list of words, including slang.  You may not like these words at all, but at the very least, it may get you thinking about the terrific language we take for granted.  BULLET POINTS:
  • 5"Party"  --   Defintion (   1. a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, etc.: a cocktail party.  Definition (  6.   Music + Food + Drinks + at least 3 people of at least 2 sexes.   Why I like the word:  Well, I like to party.  Responsibly.  It's fun to simply yell, "PARTY!!!"  It's fun to say, "I like to party."  It's fun to ask, "Do you like to party?"  Nothing says fun like the word party.  And as if that's not enough, there's this video:

  • 4)  "Lunatic"  --  Definition (  1.  An insane person.  2.  A person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness.  Definition (  4.  A bug that lives on the moon...That definition is in no way accurate, but it's flipping hilarious.  Why I like the word:  This word is fun to say, and it is inherently amusing in my opinion.  Give it a try.  And since I've already brought one 80's movie star into the fold, I might as well continue the trend with the best example of a lunatic known to man: 

  • 3)  "Psycho" --  Definition (  1.  Slang-A psychopathic or neurotic person.  Definition (  4.  The ex boyfriend/girlfriend  Why I like the word:  My group of friends affectionately refer to each other as "psychos."  It's said in a joking manner, but to a scary extent, it's pretty accurate.  Listen up; we've all got some "psycho" in us, and we need to let it out every now and then.  It's healthy. Don't quote me on that, but just go with it.  When you're driving down the road and someone cuts you off, yell "PSYCHO!!!"  See if you don't feel better.  When someone raises their voice at you or says something rude or mean, call them a psycho, and see if that doesn't shut them up.  When Tom Cruise goes on Oprah and jumps on a couch like a meth-head, be thankful that you're not that psycho.  One of my favorite all-time UNC basketball players, Tyler Hansbrough (Psycho-T), is the coolest psycho in sports.  Lastly, speaking of psychos and basketball, you can't go far without talking about this nut job:
  •  2)  "Giggle" -- Warning: the official definition is priceless. Definition (  to laugh in a silly,often high-pitched way, especially with short, repeated gasps and titters, as from juvenile or ill-concealed amusement or nervous embarrassment.  Off topic, quickly...What the heck is a titter?  Definition (  4. Using Google to search for web sites with jokes, funny images or otherwise amusing and laughable contentWhy I like the word:  Why wouldn't anyone like the word "giggle"?  Seriously?  The word giggle makes me giggle.  The word giggle makes me smile.  I know girls AND guys that don't hardly ever laugh; instead they giggle.  When it comes to girls, nothing is cuter than a giggle.  When it comes to guys, nothing is less manly or more pathetic than a giggle, but it is hilarious and it raises the spirits of everyone within earshot.  It makes them think happy thoughts of leprechauns, elves, sunshine dust, and magic.  Check this Jimmy Dean commercial for some awesome-leprechaun-giggle-action:

     1)  "Dookie" -- Definition ( No dictionary results  Definition (  poop  Why I like the word:  Here's the deal, "dookie" is the coolest non-word in the English language.  It's even cooler than "ain't."  Have you ever seen a kid in discomfort and anguish yell "I've gotta dookie!!!"?  I have.  It's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I immediately said, "Go to the bathroom!  Now!"  The bottom line is this...As an adult, if you ever find yourself in a situation where it's difficult to leave (i.e. an annoying acquaintance is talking your ears off, and you can't shut them up; you're at work, and you need to take a break but your boss is pressuring you to keep working; you're visiting in-laws; you're on a date gone terribly wrong and you want out--immediately)...if you're in one of those situations and you want the situation to end, you say this: "I GOTTA DOOKIE!"  See if anyone stands in your way after dropping that gem.  Not a chance.  Write this down:  If you say the magic word (dookie), you will Confuse, Diffuse, and Amuse.  Let me explain further--You will Confuse whoever is in your company, because only those in the 8 and under demographic are socially acceptable users of that word-even at parties.  You will Diffuse any volatile situation you are in, because turmoil and warfare in one's colon trump all situations.  Nothing expresses that turmoil like the word "dookie."  Lastly you will Amuse.....yourself.  Everyone else will be embarrassed to know you, offended by you, or they'll think you're a lunatic or a psycho.  But you will get the last laugh, because you just said "dookie" in public, and you're an adult.  Good job, you.  Good job.  Feel free to giggle wildly. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sturge, not just funny, freakin' hilarious!!! LOVE it!