Friday, June 11, 2010

Chocolate Milk > Your overpriced protein shake

Multiple studies have shown that one of the most efficient and affordable post-workout supplements is....CHOCOLATE MILK!  I affectionately refer to it is choco-milk.  This does not mean it's the best way to re-hydrate; kinesiologists constantly insist the best way to do that is with water-not Gatorade, Powerade, or some other commercial sports drink.

Anyway, when it comes to taking care of your muscles, chocolate milk offers the perfect blend of protein and carbs.  It's almost exactly a 3:1 ratio of protein to carbohydrates which is exactly what you need.  You do not need the taurine, creatine, steroids, or sunshine dust that other protein shakes or bars claim to have.  Countless studies have been done.  Here's a link to one.  In short, Karp et. al. concluded that "chocolate milk is an affective alternative to [commercial drinks] for recovery from exhausting, glycogen-depleting exercise" (karp et. al., 2006).

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