Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Slumber Parties and the Ford Flex

How did "Slumber Parties" get their name? Would anyone want to go to something called a "Sleeping Party," a "Shut-eye Party" or a "Hibernation Party"?  I don't believe so, but little girlies love them some "Slumber Parties."  And little dudes love them some "Sleep Overs" (also a strange name). 

"Slumber Party" just sounds morbid to me...Like something a bunch of zombies or ghosts would organize.  I'm sure goblins get tired of haunting people and walking around aimlessly.  I can see them being like, "Hey, let's have a party.  A slumber party.  Because we're all dead." 

Keeping with the death theme, what is up with Ford's new vehicle, "The Ford Flex"?  That is hearse disguised as a family crossover vehicle if i have ever seen one.

Seriously, I feel like anytime you drove one of these things around, people would just jump in line behind you to be a part of the funeral procession.

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