Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twitter is Broken

To those of you that use Twitter:  Who has seen this screen?

I think Twitter might be broken.  There are so many ways to login now:  through facebook, on your cell phone, on your blackberry, via smoke signals, telepathy, etc.  Apparently that has led to the site becoming "over-capacity." To illustrate what "over-capacity" means, we are given that picture. 

Those poor birds can't carry that duggum whale.  We all know that.  That whale is going down.  And it doesn't look like it's going down into water.  It's looks like lava!  Whales don't live in lava.  They'll burn up in lava for sure.  I don't know why the whale is smiling about that.  Moving on to the birds.  They clearly look like they're up to no good with their beady little eyes and their indecision on which way to fly.  That whale's not gonna make it.  Does that mean Twitter is going to fail as well? 

Anyway, maybe Twitter should stop allowing people to access the site in so many ways.  I don't know.  Call me old-fashioned, but whatever happened to accessing websites through home computers or laptops? 

On another note, if you enjoy jogging or running, make sure you tie your shoes tight.  It's a lesson I should have known, but I learned it in a practical way last night.  Let's just say that one second I was up, and the next, I was down.  Hard.

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