Sunday, June 13, 2010


What if "pegging" was allowed in Major League Baseball?  "Pegging" is the term used in wiffle ball for throwing the ball at a base runner in order to get them out.  In wiffle ball, the worst thing that can happen is a brief sting from the contact made between plastic and flesh.  What if major league baseball continued to struggle with attendance to the point where they needed to try something new?  That new thing should be the allowing of "pegging" as a means to get someone out.  Obviously, you couldn't throw at their heads, but anywhere else is fair game.  I would watch so much more baseball if this were how MLB played. Can you imagine David Eckstein's tiny tail rounding third only to get knocked sideways by an Ichiro Suzuki rocket from right field.  OUT.

I thought about this because I was listening to Stephen Strasburg's second game (Washington Nationals vs. Cleveland Indians) today.  Adam Dunn hit a double and Shin Soo Choo's throw to second went over the bag un-touched because the terrible Indians had no one covering the bag.  It apparently came close to hitting Dunn. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent idea. I picked off many a man with a wiffle ball to the back or legs. I also knocked in many a "ghost man" in my wiffle ball prime. One problem with Pegging: Milton Bradley in MLB + pegging in MLB = early dirt nap for anyone ticking Milton off.