Monday, July 19, 2010

"You boys going on a tour?"

Being on the road the last couple of weeks made me remember this little gem. 

About 3 years ago, I went on a cross-country trip from Montana back to North Carolina with my brother and 2 of his friends.  In Wisconsin, we stopped in Green Bay to check out Lambeau Field.  It wasn't during the season, but there were lots of people in and around the stadium taking pictures and what not. 

We were just leaving when an SUV with 2 older dudes came creeping up slowly on our group of 4 younger dudes.  The passenger rolled down his window at which point we all slowed down because we expected him to say something...

"Hey there.  You boys going on a tour?!"  I would classify his facial expression at this point as a wry smile.

All of us were confused.  I laughed quietly because that's what I do when I'm uncomfortable.  Alex gave a blank stare.  I don't remember what Brad was doing.  Jake slightly tilted his head like a dog does when it hears something strange.  Then Jake said, "Well we're driving back to North Carolina.  So kind of, I guess."

"Cool.  That sounds like a ton of fun," said the dude.

"Yeah, you bet," said Jake. 

Awkward silence.  And then they drove off.

We just stood there by the car wondering what exactly that guy wanted.  Then Jake said, "I don't know what that guy was selling, but I'm not buying."


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