Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stone Cold Stunned

The impossible has happened.

Just moments ago, I was finally stumped while talking about the Honey Badger.  In case you forgot, the Honey Badger is the most ferocious mammal on the planet according to the Guinness Book of World Records.  It can run up to 30 miles per hour, it can dominate lions and puff adders (puff adders are the most venomous snakes in the word), and it attacks larger mammals by scrotum attack.

Anyway, Billy aka Monkey asked me tonight:  "What would happen if a honey badger got Stone Cold-Stunned?"  I did not have an answer.  I will not make excuses.  I simply did not know what to say.  What WOULD happen if a honey badger got stunned by Stone Cold Steve Austin????  It's one of the most fantastic finishing moves in all of professional wrestling.  I feel like I should have known what to say, but I didn't.

Touche, Monkey.  Touche.

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